Ontology-based Querying
The activities listed here are those involving all participants. Meetings
and work in individual groups cannot be found on this page.
- Jan. 20-21 - OntoQuery Symposium
- Jan. 7- coordination meeting
- Feb. 4 - coordination meeting
- Feb. 18 - coordination meeting
- March 4 - coordination meeting
- March 18 - coordination meeting
- April 8 - coordination meeting
- May 13 - coordination meeting
- May 31 - coordination meeting
- June 14-17 - Ontoquery
PhD Course on Applied Ontologies and Search
- Jan. 23- coordination meeting
- Feb. 20 - coordination meeting
- March 12 - coordination meeting
- April 1 - coordination meeting
- April 30 - coordination meeting
- May 10-13 - Ontoquery
PhD Course on Concept Analysis and Concept Based Retrieval
- June 4 - coordination meeting
- June 16-18 workshop for project members
- Aug. 9-10 workshop for project members
- Aug. 16 - coordination meeting
- Aug. 23 - coordination meeting
- Aug. 30 - coordination meeting
- Sep. 17 - coordination meeting
- Sep. 24 - coordination meeting
- Sep. 29 - coordination meeting
- Oct. 8 - coordination meeting
- Oct. 29 - coordination meeting
- Nov. 12 - coordination meeting
- Dec. 3 - coordination meeting
- Dec. 13-14 OntoQuery workshop
- Jan. 9 - coordination meeting
- Feb. 1 - coordination meeting
- March 3-4 - workshop for project members
- March 21 - coordination meeting
- April 11 - coordination meeting
- May 2 - coordination meeting
- May 18-22 -
Ontoquery PhD Course on
Language & Ontology
Copenhagen Business School
- May 24 - coordination meeting
- June 13 - coordination meeting
- Aug. 13-15 - Ontoquery workshop
- Aug. 22 - coordination meeting
- Sep. 9 - coordination meeting
- Oct. 10 - coordination meeting
- Oc. 24 - coordination meeting
- Oct. 24 - coordination meeting
- Nov. 10 -
Ontoquery Workshop: Ontologies, Semantic Relations and Search
- Nov. 14 - coordination meeting
- Dec. 5 - coordination meeting
- January 18th-19th:
Workshop on Ontologies and Search for the project
team and invited guests.
- Feb.2 9.00: Coordination Meeting
- Feb.2 13.00: Reading group on Ontologies
- Feb.16 13.00: Reading group on Ontologies
- March 2 9.00: Coordination Meeting
- March 2 13.00: Reading group on Ontologies
- March 16 13.00: Reading group on Ontologies
- March 30 9.00: Coordination Meeting
- March 30 13.00: Reading group on Ontologies
- Aug. 17 - one-day meeting on Conceptual Grammar
- Aug. 31 - coordination meeting
- Sept. 21- coordination meeting
- Oct. 5 - coordination meeting
- Nov. 1-2 - workshop for project members
- Nov. 23 - coordination meeting
- Dec. 14 - coordination meeting
- Jan. 17th-18th: International OntoQueryWorkshop: "Ontology-based
interpretation of NP's"
- Jan.18th 14-17: Plenary meeting of the project team.
- Feb. 7th 13-16: Coordination afternoon: Search; Prototype I
- Feb. 28th 13-16: Coordination afternoon: NL Semantics
- Mar. 20th 13-16: Coordination afternoon: Ontology of nutrition
- Apr. 10th 13-16: Coordination afternoon: (Prototype I)
- May 8th 13-16: Coordination afternoon
- May 29th 13-16: Coordination afternoon
- June 16th 9-12: Coordination afternoon
- August 25th 9-12: Coordination meeting
- September 15th 9-12: Coordination meeting
- October 6th 9-12: Coordination meeting
- November 3rd 9-12: Coordination meeting
- November 24th 9-12: Coordination meeting
- December 15th 9-12: Coordination meeting