



Ontology-based Querying



  • [Andreasen & Fischer Nilsson 04]
    T. Andreasen & J. Fischer Nilsson: Grammatical Specification of Domain Ontologies, forthcoming in Data & Knowledge Engineering Vol 48 (2004) pp 221-230, 2004.
  • [Bruun& Nilsson 04]
    Hans Bruun og Jørgen Fischer Nilsson: Entity-Relationship Models as Grammars and Lattices - a Foundational view, European-Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Skøvde, maj 2004.
  • [Christiansen 04]
    Christiansen, H., CHR grammars. To appear in International Journal on Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2004.
  • [Madsen et al. 04]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup, Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'Principles of a system for terminological concept modelling'. Submitted to LREC 2004, (4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 26-28 May 2004).
  • [Pedersen & Paggio 04]
    Pedersen, B., Paggio, P.(forthcoming in 2004) The Danish SIMPLE Lexicon and its Application in Content-based Querying, to appear in Nordic Journal of Linguistics.


  • [Andreasen & Motro 03]
    T. Andreasen, A. Motro: Report on The fifth International Conference on Flexible Query Answering systems. ACM SIGMOD Record Volume 32, No. 4, December 2003, pages 120-121 (2003)
  • [Andreasen 03a]
    T. Andreasen: An approach to Knowledge-based Query Evaluation. in special issue on "Fuzzy Databases" in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, ISSN 0165-0114 Publisher: Elsevier Science 2003
  • [Andreasen 03b]
    T. Andreasen: Query Aggregation Reflecting Domain-knowledge. B. Bouchon-Meunier, L. Foulloy and R.R. Yager (eds.), Intelligent Systems for Information Processing: From Representation to Applications, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2003
  • [Andreasen et al. 03a]
    T. Andreasen, P. Anker Jensen, J. Fischer Nilsson, P. Paggio, B.S. Pedersen, H. Erdman Thomsen: Content-based Text Querying with Ontological Descriptors, in Data & Knowledge Engineering 48 (2004) pp 199-219, Elsevier, 2004.
  • [Andreasen et al. 03b]
    T. Andreasen, H. Bulskov, and R. Knappe: From Ontology over Similarity to Query Evaluation, 2nd CoLogNET-ElsNET Symposium, Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives, to appear in Journal of Applied Logic (ELSEVIER).
  • [Andreasen et al. 03c]
    T. Andreasen, H. Bulskov, and R. Knappe: On Ontology-based Querying. in proceedings IJCAI'03 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ontologies and Distributed Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, August 9 to 15, 2003
  • [Andreasen et al. 03d]
    T. Andreasen, H. Bulskov, and R. Knappe: Similarity From Conceptual Relations. in proceedings NAFIPS 2003 North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Chicago, IL, July 24-26, 2003
  • [Basin et al. 03]
    (2003) D. Basin, Y. Deville, P. Flener, A. Hamfelt, J. Fischer Nilsson: Synthesis of Programs in Computational Logic, in Program Development in Computational Logic, (eds.) M. Bruynooghe and K.-K. Lau, LNCS, Springer.
  • [Christiansen & Dahl 03]
    Christiansen, H., Dahl, V., Logic Grammars for Diagnosis and Repair.International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 2, no. 3 (2003), pp. 227-248.
  • [Christiansen 03]
    Christiansen, H., A constraint-based bottom-up counterpart to DCG. Proceedings of RANLP 2003, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pp. 10-12 September 2003, Borovets, Bulgaria. pp.\ 105--111.
  • [Jensen & Fischer Nilsson 03a]
    Jensen, Per A. & J. Fischer Nilsson (2003a) "On the Relationship between NL Lexicons and Ontology." OntoQuery Forskningsseminar Søminestationen, 3.-4. marts 2003
  • [Jensen & Fischer Nilsson 03b]
    P. Anker Jensen & J. Fischer Nilsson:
    Ontology-based Semantics for Prepositions, at ACM-SIGSEM Workshop on the Linguistic Dimension of Prepositions and their use in Computational Linguistics, Toulouse, September 4-6, 2003. To be republished in extended version Kluwer 2004.
  • [Jensen & Vikner 03a]
    Jensen, Per A. & C. Vikner (2003a): "Exit the World Hypothesis." Internal Working Paper.
  • [Jensen & Vikner 03b]
    Jensen, Per A. & C. Vikner (2003b): " Formal Ontology as the Basis of Genitive Interpretation: The Case of Semiotic Artefacts." Internal Working Paper.
  • [Knappe et al. 03a]
    R. Knappe, H. Bulskov, and T. Andreasen: On Similarity Measures for Concept-based Querying. In proceedings IFSA'03 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, June 29 - July 2 2003
  • [Knappe et al. 03b]
    R. Knappe, H. Bulskov, and T. Andreasen: Similarity for Conceptual Querying. in proceedings ISCIS'03 - Eighteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya, Turkey November 3-5, 2003
  • [Knappe et al. 03c]
    R. Knappe, H. Bulskov, and T. Andreasen: Similarity Graphs. ISMIS 2003 Fourteenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Maebashi Terrsa, Maebashi City, Japan, 2003
  • [Madsen et al. 03a]
    Bodil Nistrup, Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'Terminologisk begrepsmodellering'. To appear in: Proceedings fra Nordterm 2003 - Visby 11-14 juni 2003..
  • [Madsen et al. 03b]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup, Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'Principles of an IT-system for concept analysis'. Antaget til publikation i Copenhagen Working Papers in LSP, Handelshøjskolen i København.
  • [Oldager 03a]
    Nikolaj Oldager: Intensional formalization of conceptual structures, in Procs. of ICCS 2003 International Conference on Conceptual Structures, July 21-25, 2003,Dresden, Germany Springer LNCS.
  • [Oldager 03b]
    Nikolaj Oldager: Conceptual Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Ph.d. thesis, DTU, preprint, September 2003.
  • [Paggio & Pedersen 03]
    Paggio, P. & B. Pedersen (2003) "Status for Ontoparserens implementering", statusrapport, Center for Sprogteknologi.
  • [Paggio et al. 03]
    Paggio, P., B. S. Pedersen, D. Haltrup (2003) Applying Language Technology to Ontology-based Querying - The OntoQuery Project. Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal. Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries, Vol. 17 Numbers 8-9:817-833.


  • [Andreasen 02a]
    T. Andreasen: Ontology based Query Evaluation, to appear in special issue on "Fuzzy Databases" in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, ISSN 0165-0114 Publisher: Elsevier Science, 2002, (forthcoming)
  • [Andreasen 02b]
    T. Andreasen: On knowledge guided fuzzy evaluation, submitted to 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 2002
  • [Andreasen 02b]
    T. Andreasen: On knowledge guided fuzzy evaluation, 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2002 Proceedings, Annecy, France, July 1-5, 2002
  • [Andreasen et al. 02a]
    Andreasen, Troels; Per Anker Jensen; Jørgen Fischer Nilsson; Patrizia Paggio; Bolette Sandford Pedersen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen: 'OntoQuery: Ontology-based Querying of Texts'. In: Karlgren, Jussi; Pentti Kanerva, & Björn Gambäck (eds.): Acquiring (and using) Linguistic (and World) Knowledge for Information Access. AAAI-2002 Spring Symposium Series, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Pp. 28-31
  • [Andreasen et al. 02a]
    T. Andreasen, P. Anker Jensen, J. Fischer Nilsson, P. Paggio, B. Sandford Pedersen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen: OntoQuery: Ontology-based Querying of Texts, (extended abstract), AAAI spring symposium 2002 at Stanford University. Submitted October 2001.
  • [Andreasen et al. 02b]
    T. Andreasen, P. Anker Jensen, J. Fischer Nilsson, P. Paggio, B. Sandford Pedersen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen: OntoQuery: The Qntoquery project, to appear in Data & Knowledge Engineering (D&KE), Elsevier,.
  • [Andreasen et al. 02c]
    Andreasen, Troels; Per Anker Jensen; Jørgen Fischer Nilsson; Patrizia Paggio; Bolette Sandford Pedersen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen: 'Ontological Extraction of Content for Text
    Querying'. In: Andersson, Birger; Maria Bergholtz & Paul Johanneson (eds.): NLDB 2002, 7th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, June 27-28, Stockholm. Printed in preproceedings, forthcoming in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  • [Andreasen et al. 02d]
    T. Andreasen, A. Motro, H. Christiansen, H.L. Larsen (Eds.): 'FQAS 2002, Flexible Query Answering Systems 5th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 27-29, 2002. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2522, Springer-Verlag, 2002
  • [Bulskov et al. 02]
    H. Bulskov, R. Knappe, and T. Andreasen: On Measuring Similarity for Conceptual Querying. in T. Andreasen, A. Motro, H. Christiansen, H.L. Larsen (Eds.): Flexible Query Answering Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2522, pp. 100-111 2002
  • [Christiansen & Dahl 02]
    Christiansen, H., Dahl, V., Logic Grammars for Diagnosis and Repair. ICTAI'02, proc. of 14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, November 4-6, 2002 Washington D.C. pp. 307-314, IEEE 2002.
  • [Jensen & Vikner 02a]
    Jensen, Per Anker & Carl Vikner: "The English Prenominal Genitive and
    Lexical Semantics." Invited paper read at the Workshop on the
    Semantics/Syntax of Possessive Constructions, University of Massachusetts at
    Amherst, May 6 through 8, 2002.
  • [Jensen & Vikner 02b]
    Jensen, Per Anker & Carl Vikner: "Producer Interpretations of the English
    Pre-nominal Genitive." Sinn und bedeutung VII. Universität Konstanz, 2002.
  • [Madsen et al. 02]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup; Bolette Sandford Pedersen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen : "Semantic Relations in Content-based Querying Systems: a Research Presentation from the OntoQuery Project". In: K. Simov and A. Kiryakov (Eds.): Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop, OntoLex 2000. OntoText Lab., Sofia 2002. Pp. 72-82
  • [Madsen et al. 02a]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup; Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'The CAOS Project - Computer Aided Ontology Structuring'. In: Angelova, Galia; Dan Corbett & Uta Priss (Eds.): Foundations and Applications of Conceptual Structures - Contributions to ICCS 2002. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, July 2002. Pp. 29-33
  • [Madsen et al. 02b]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup; Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'Computer Assisted Ontology Structuring'. In: Melby, Alan (ed.): Proceedings of TKE '02 - Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, INRIA, Frankrig, 2002
  • [Madsen et al. 02c]
    Madsen, Bodil Nistrup; Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: 'Data Modelling and Conceptual Modelling in the Domain of Termninology'. In: Melby, Alan (ed.): Proceedings of TKE '02 - Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, INRIA, Frankrig, 2002
  • [Mhaana 02]
    Mhaana, Ekaterina: 'Concept relations from OntoQuery: definitions and examples'. Paper accepted for the International Conference "Cognitive Modelling in Linguistics' 2002", Divnomorskoe, Russia, September 6-7, 2002. Desværre blev forhindret i at deltage, og papiret er derfor ikke publiceret i proceedings (og det er derfor igen overgået til at være manus).
  • [Pedersen & Paggio 02a]
    Pedersen, B.Patrizia Paggio (2002): "Semantic Lexical Resources Applied to Content-based Querying - the OntoQuery Project", in Third International Conference on Language Resource and Evaluation 2002 pp. 1753-1759, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
  • [Pedersen & Paggio 02b]
    Pedersen, B., Paggio, P.(2002) "A Danish Semantic Lexicon and its Application in Content-based Querying", CST Working Papers No. 4 pp. 1-25, Center for Sprogteknologi, Copenhagen.
  • [Vikner & Jensen 02]
    Vikner, Carl & Per Anker Jensen: "A Semantic Analysis of the English
    Genitive. Interaction of Lexical and Formal Semantics." Studia Linguistica



  • [Andreasen et al. 00]
    T. Andreasen, J. Fischer Nilsson, & H. Erdman Thomsen: Ontology-based Querying, in H.L. Larsen et al. (eds.) Flexible Query Answering Systems, Flexible Query Answering Systems, Recent Advances, Physica-Verlag, Springer, 2000. pp. 15-26. http://www.springer.de
  • [Haav & Nilsson 00]
    H.-M. Haav & J. F. Nilsson: Approaches to Concept Based Exploration of Information Sources, in W. Abrahamowicz & J. Zurada (eds), Knowledge Discovery for Business Information Systems, Kluwer (Int. Series in Engineeering and Computer Science vol. 600), 2000. ISBN 0-7923-7243-3.
  • [Madsen et al. 00]
    B. Madsen, B. Sandford Pedersen, H. Erdman Thomsen: Semantic Relations in Content-based Querying Systems: a Research Presentation from the OntoQuery Project, in: Proceedings of the OntoLex'2000: Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases, Sept. 8-10, 2000: Sozopol, Bulgaria.
    Also available on World Wide Web: http://www.sirma.bg/ontolex/ [cited 29 october 2001] in the following formats: PDF, MS WORD, RTF, PostScript.
  • [Madsen et al. 00]
    B. Nistrup Madsen & H. Erdman Thomsen: Definitions of some semantic relations, in LAMBDA nr. 26, Handelshøjskolen i Kbh., 2000. pp. 29-43.
  • [Nilsson 00]
    J.Fischer Nilsson: A Conceptual Space Logic, in E. Kawaguchi et al. (eds.), Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XI, IOS Press/Ohmsha, Amsterdam, 2000. pp. 26-40.
  • [Nimb & Pedersen 00]
    S. Nimb & B.Pedersen: Treating Metaphoric Senses in a Danish Computational Lexicon - different cases of regular polysemy, in EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • [Oldager 00]
    N. Oldager: Taxonomies with Lattice Algebras, in: Proceedings of the OntoLex'2000: Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases, Sept. 8-10, 2000: Sozopol, Bulgaria.
  • [Pedersen et al. 00]
    B.S. Pedersen & S. Nimb: Semantic Encoding of Danish Verbs in SIMPLE - Adapting a verb-framed model to a satellite-framed language. Proceedings from Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2000, Athens. Deals with SIMPLE - the ontological lexicon applied in OntoQuery.


  • [Christiansen 99]
    H. Christiansen: Open theories and abduction for context and accommodation. 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'99), Bouquet, P., Brezillon, P., Serafini, L. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1688. Springer-Verlag, pp. 455-458, 1999.
  • [Madsen et al. 99]
    Bodil Nistrup Madsen, Hanne Erdman Thomsen & Carl Vikner: The project "ComputerAided Ontology Structuring"(CAOS), in World Knowledge and Natural Language Analysis. Copenhagen Studies of Language, vol.23, København: Samfundslitteratur, 1999, p. 9-39.
  • [Pedersen 99]
    B.S. Pedersen: Den danske SIMPLE-ordbog. En semantisk, ontologibaseret ordbog. C. Povlsen (ed.), DALF 99, Datalingvistisk Forenings årsmøde 1999, Center for Sprogteknologi. Deals with SIMPLE { the ontological lexicon applied in Ontoquery.
  • [Pedersen et al. 99]
    B.S. Pedersen & B. Keson: SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica: Some Danish Examples on Concrete Nouns, in: SIGLEX99: Standardizing Lexical Resources, Association of Computational Linguistics, ACL99 Workshop, Maryland. (10 p.) Deals with SIMPLE - the ontological lexicon applied in OntoQuery.